15 бесплатных ресурсов для подготовки к ДипИФР
Как обещали, отправляем шаблоны писем на английском языке. Сразу хотим предупредить, что следующие шаблоны требует знания английского языка, переведите эти шаблоны писем. Более того вам нужно учитывать контекст, и цель ваших сообщении. Желтым выделены слова, которые вам надо будет заменить.
Шаблон если вы проверяете системы бухгалтерского учета:

1) Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your company. As requested, we have evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of your company's existing accounting system and issued our report with recommendations (attached below).

Шаблон для отправки сообщения перед встречей и планом встречи:
2) Here are main topics in our agenda for meeting on Thursday:

- Stock take deadline

- Account receivable status

- Internal auditor recommendation

Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы будете представлять свои отчет:

3) As you know, tomorrow afternoon we'll be meeting with Chief Financial Officer. Be sure to arrive on time and bring along your reports of Fixed Assets that you have been working on this week—bring enough copies for everyone.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда у вас закрытие месяца:
4) Before you can begin closing your books, you need to round up some information. Some information you need to gather before you close your books may include:
- Revenue totals
- Bank account information
- Inventory levels
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы проводите акт сверки:
5) During your month-end close process, you need to reconcile all of your accounts. To do this, match your records to your account statements from outside entries, such as the bank. Make sure your records for the month are accurate by performing a bank statement reconciliation.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы официально уведомляете о выходе в отпуск:

6) This letter is a formal request for one week's vacation leave from DATE to DATE. I will be back at work on DATE. All of the projects that I am working on will be completed before the leaving date. I have asked other members of my team to make sure that all of my responsibilities are covered while I'm away, and they have agreed.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы отправляете своё резюме:

7) I am writing this letter to apply for the POSITION as advertised on your company's website. I believe that my education, skills, and experience in the field of accounting makes me the best candidate you are looking for.As an ambitious accountant, I am always passionate about developing my career for the future best.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы предлагаете свои услуги по бухгалтерским услугам:
8) Thank you for showing interest in Buhnaudalenke. By taking this initial step, you are already well on your way to meeting your accounting goals and saving your accounting expenses. For our prospective customers, we offer a free one-time accounting consultation where we will review your business's online presence. We give you easy to implement tips for your business, and there are no obligations to sign up after the consultation.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы уведомляете что вы уходите на больничный:
9) I will be absent from Monday through Wednesday of next week due to doctor's appointments for health reasons. I've already spoken to Alina, who has agreed to cover for me during this time. No need to worry, and I anticipate being fine and in top working order upon my return.

Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы выражаете благодарность после интервью:
10) I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the payroll accountant position at the ABCD company. The job seems to be a perfect match for my abilities and interests. I appreciate the time you took to interview me, and look forward to having the opportunity to meet with you in person.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы выражаете благодарность команде за помощь в проекте:
11) Dear Team, Thank you all for your tremendous help launching the XYZ project. Without your diligence, hard work, and several late nights and early mornings, we would not have been able to meet our deadline. And we did so much more than that: thanks to everyone's major efforts, we not only launched on time, but with a wonderful result.
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы выражаете благодарность человеку кто помог вам в введение вас в курс дела на новой работе:

12)Dear Name, I'd like to thank you, most sincerely, for all of the help you've given me since my hiring at XYZ Company. Onboarding is both an exciting and a nerve-wracking process, but from the very beginning you have made me feel welcome in our department
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда вы уходите из компании:
13) I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I will be leaving my position at ABC Company. I would like to thank each of you for every experience shared, friendship made and the good times we had together. It doesn't mean that am saying goodbye forever. You can still reach me at my personal email at (johnjames@mail.com) or my cell phone
Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда отправляете счет фактуру и ссылку для оплаты:
14) Hi [Name],
Here is the invoice for the [industry] services we provided for the period of [date] until [date].
You can easily make the payment by clicking here [Payment link].
You can use the following link to download a copy of your invoice in CSV or PDF: [insert link]

Шаблон для отправки сообщения, когда благодарите человека за помощь:
15) Hi [Name],
I just wanted to thank you once again for [Action]. This helped me a lot with [Problem].
I will keep you posted and, of course, let me if there is anything you need help with.
[Your name]
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